Refund Policy

Returns Policy

If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can return or exchange items within 7 days of receiving your order.

To ensure a smooth return process, please make sure your items comply with the following conditions:

  • Items must be returned within 7 days of the delivery date.
  • Products must be unworn, unwashed, and have their original tags attached.
  • All items should be returned in their original packaging.
  • We are not responsible for any damage or loss occurring while the item is in your possession. Requests for returns, exchanges, or refunds may be declined if the item is not in its original condition.
  • Any faulty, damaged, or incorrect products must be reported within 2 days of receiving the order.
  • For defective or incorrectly supplied items, we may offer a replacement, substitute product, or a full refund. However, the faulty item must be returned in its original condition as soon as possible.

Try Before You Buy

Depending on the shipping service used, customers may have the option to try on the items while the courier waits. If the order is returned immediately with the courier, the full shipping fee must be paid. Otherwise, customers can try the items after receiving them and request a return or replacement within 7 days if needed.


  • Once we receive your returned item, it will go through inspection, and you will be notified of the return status.
  • Refunds apply only to product costs; shipping and processing fees are non-refundable.
  • If an item is returned due to a claimed defect that does not pass inspection, it will be sent back to the customer, and shipping fees will apply.

Payment Refunds

  • Credit Card Payments: If you paid by credit card, the refund will be processed back to your card within 7-14 working days, depending on bank procedures.
  • Cash on Delivery (COD): If you paid via COD, a courier will collect the returned items and issue a cash refund on the spot. Please ensure that returned items comply with our Return Policy. Only the items included in the return request should be handed over to the courier.

All returned items will undergo a quality check upon arrival. If they do not meet our return policy requirements, a cash refund may no longer be applicable, and the item’s value will be credited to your account for future purchases. Late return requests will follow the standard refund process mentioned above.